I got a really cool gaming device to play some retro games from my fiancĂ©. The GPI Case is a really cool gaming handheld that uses and Pi Zero or Pi Zero 2 with the RecalBox operating system. I’ve been using it on and off for about 2 years now but got really tired of using disposable batteries. I bought some nice EBL rechargeable AA batteries witch work great, But I didn’t like having to always take them out to charge them.

I wanted to see if there was a way to integrate a battery. Most projects I found used a lithium-ion battery and a charging circuit involving modifying the case extensively to make everything work. That wouldn’t work for me. I kept looking and came across AkumaMods!

In his detailed video he outlines the simple process of adding a NIMH battery charger circuit that solders to 4 points and doesn’t require any case modifications because it uses the included barrel connector to charge your rechargeable AA batteries!

Akumamods provides a kit that has everything you need to get this project done. [Link here] I already had everything I need so I ended up ordering the charge circuit from Amazon.

I created a diagram showing the simple soldering points.

I also added kapton tape to the top and bottom of the charge circuit so nothing shorts (I’m paranoid).

Putting the case together everything fit perfectly and charges my batteries!